Types of Brain Injuries after a Car Accident
Car accidents can result in various injuries, from scrapes and bruises to broken bones and internal injuries. Brain injuries may be the most frightening type of injury after a car accident. They can range in severity, ranging from a few days of inconvenience to life-changing brain damage.
Many people think of concussions as mild injuries. In terms of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), they are mild. However, they are still TBIs. Concussions happen when the brain shifts inside the skull because of a jolt, blow, or bump to the head. Concussions can be symptomless or have mild symptoms like headaches, dizziness, blurry vision, confusion, and even a loss of consciousness. More and more research is revealing that the impact of concussions can be cumulative and last much longer than previously believed.
Skull Fractures
If the impact is severe, it can fracture your skull. The skull is more rigid than other bones because it needs to be hard to protect your brain. That means the skull will crack if the pressure is hard enough. Skull fractures vary in severity, but the risk is that it will cause brain damage. Skull fractures can also lead to other complications, including infections.
Penetrating Injuries
When something pierces the skull, it is a penetrating injury. Depending on the location or depth of the injury, it can lead to severe brain damage.
A contusion is a bruise on the brain. Concussions happen when the brain hits the inside of the skull. A contusion is an injury that occurs because of direct impact. They may heal on their own or require surgical intervention.
Coup-Contrecoup Injuries
When you experience a sudden jolt, it can cause injuries where the item hits the head, and the brain hits the other side of the skull. That can cause damage to multiple areas of the brain, which may differ in severity, making diagnosis and treatment more difficult.
Secondary Brain Injuries
When a brain injury is not immediately apparent, medical professionals may refer to it as secondary. These brain injuries do not directly result from a jolt or a blow. Instead, they happen as a complication of other conditions. Brain swelling, spinal damage, hematomas, and intracranial pressure can all lead to secondary brain injuries. That is why seeking medical attention after an accident is so important, even if you feel fine.
Schedule a Consultation
Whatever type of brain injury you experience after a car accident, consulting with a lawyer is a significant step to understanding and protecting your rights. Contact Washington Law Group to schedule a free consultation.